Phipps Cameron’s Environmental Policy
PCR is a leading financial recruitment specialist in placing specialist finance, strategy and M&A professionals in permanent and temporary roles. On a practical level we source all of our energy from renewable sources through the Ecotricity ‘Renewable Energy Business Tariff’. We mandate that all business travel should take the least environmental impact and minimise international travel through the use of innovative technology for communication and ensuring we can screen candidates overseas via video interviewing and other innovations.
Protection of the environment in which we live and operate is key to Phipps Cameron’s values and principles and we consider it to be sound business practice. Care for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and an important part of the way in which we do business. In this policy statement we commit our company to:
- Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice;
- Protecting the environment by striving to prevent and minimise our contribution to pollution of the land, air and water;
- Sourcing all of our energy from 100% renewable sources;
- Ensuring that all business travel is via public transport and all international travel is kept to a minimum;
- To innovate with the use of technology such as video interviewing to minimise travel where appropriate;
- Seeking to keep wastage to a minimum and maximise the efficient use of materials and resources;
- Managing and disposing of all waste in a responsible manner;
- Providing training for our staff so that we all work in accordance with this policy and within an environmentally aware culture;
- Regularly communicating our environmental performance to our employees and other significant stakeholders;
- Developing our management processes to ensure that environmental factors are considered during planning and implementation;
- Monitoring and continuously improving our environmental performance.
The policy statement will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. The management team endorses the policy statements and is fully committed to their implementation.